Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Medical Malpractice And Social Media: Is It A Bad Mix?

Social media is an integral part of our culture; it can have bad and good effects on lives. Many things can go wrong when sharing or posting even seemingly benign things. Occasions have arisen where a person who has committed a crime will post or share the things they have done. In medical malpractice cases, social media can have a direct effect on both sides of the case.

For those who have a public social networking account, you are making it open for anybody to view to determine if you are being fraudulent.  If certain things are shared, this can reveal evidence that might have been useful. A public profile can be applied to discern how credible a claim really is.

Using social media during a medical malpractice case can provide the opposing lawyer a good tool. It may seem you are placing a simple photo or post, however it might have a negative effect on your case.

Many lawyers advise clients even to stay entirely away from social-media or to be very aware of the things they post on social media during an ongoing case.

Social media is now a huge section of our culture; nevertheless it might have adverse outcomes. It is crucial that you understand the consequences that may result from social media use.

Contact us today to discover how we can benefit your medical malpractice case.

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