Friday, November 13, 2015

Politics and Malpractice

Dr. Steven Anagnost is a doctor in Oklahoma and, like many other physicians in the state, works in several practices and sees patients frequently. His career, nevertheless, has been distinct from several other doctors in the United States, as well as Oklahoma, largely due to his involvement with politics.

In 2010, the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure began inquiring and preparing to revoke Dr. Anagnost's license after several patients suffered injury and even death after getting treatment from him. In addition, he was accused of billing for surgeries he had not performed and of improperly implanting spinal devices which he'd been paid to promote. Dr. Anagnost paid several malpractice settlements out of his own pocket rather than use his malpractice insurance.

Prior to the investigation, Dr. Anagnost had made contributions to Rick Perry's political campaign. After learning of the investigation, Perry called the Governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin. Fallin's general counsel, Steve Mullins, met in March 2013 with the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and Perry's phone call was part of the discussion which resulted in the dismissal of the investigation.

The media reports about Perry's phone call and Fallin's involvement surfaced two years later because a civil lawsuit against Dr. Anagnost continued in state court.  The Democratic Party in Oklahoma has called for investigation into Mullins and Fallin for possible ethical and legal violations. Fallin's office has denied wrongdoing, though time will tell whether an investigation will demonstrate otherwise.

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